Always in our heart
Rainbow Bridge Tributes

Phoebe came to us as a recommendation from Midwest BREW in 2007 and we instantly fell in love.
She was a bit of a loner at the dog park. Her favorite thing to do was to sniff the entire fence line. At home she did much of the same, stalked and chased some rabbits but mostly loved to be near her people. No surface was ever soft enough without pillows and blankets to lie on, so we always made sure she had plenty of both.
She lived with us for over 12 wonderful years and she will be missed more than I could possibly say.
Run free Phoebe, find your BREW brothers and sisters and we will see you in the other side.
~ The Lewis Family

It breaks my heart to report to you that our little Ruby who we adopted from Midwest BREW in December 2011 has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.
Her original name was Sunshine and we renamed her Ruby. She was the prettiest little lemon beagle with a white heart on her forehead. She also was the best little dog. She loved everyone and she especially loved to lie in the sun and dig holes. We live on a lake so she had many boat rides in the summer but was never very fond of swimming.
She will be sadly missed by our whole family and all of our friends. We are so very thankful that we had eight years will this wonderful family member. She was loved by many and she is going to be greatly missed. The tears have been streaming today.
Thank you for connecting her with us.
~ Deb Blackwell

We adopted our Suki from your organization in Aug of 2007. She was in the liter nicknamed “labor of love” from a pregnant beagle rescue. All her siblings have names meaning Love in different languages. I remember the foster mom’s name was Katie. And we met at the PetSmart in Champion IL to get her.
The inevitable had come upon us today. We had to put Suki down at the vet. After fighting lymphoma for 3 months, Suki never achieved remission, no longer responded to chemo, and frequently suffered infections.
The latest episode started on Sunday and by this morning, she could not stand up, move her body, nor eat or drink. She whimpered in pain and we knew the time had come, this was the right thing to do. We did not want her to suffer. The procedure was quick and peaceful.
Suki was Rob and my very first “child” together. We adopted her through Midwest BREW (Beagle Rescue Education and Welfare) organization in 2007. We drove to Illinois to retrieve our girl when she was a couple months old. She had so much spunk and personality from the get-go. We still love about her very particular dislikes of certain carpet patterns at the hotel we stayed at. We fell in love with her right away, Rob was especially taken with her. I used to joke that in the unlikely event that our marriage falls apart, Suki would def prefers Rob, and Alex does me. When she was a tiny puppy she used to nap on Rob’s belly. Rob would have to come up with new games to play with her because she was so smart and figures him out all the time. She cocks her head and looks at him like “come on dude, u gotta do better than that!”
Suki’s favorite thing to do was stalking and chasing squirrels at the Barstow Woods park. Although she had never caught any. There was one time she got beat up by a squirrel in our yard, got her face and snot all scratched up. Another time, she had caught and killed a small one- the only time ever. I still remember the proud and wild crazed look in her eyes afterwards.
She was a curious dog, but not all that brave. But she would try anything for some treats and loving. We coaxed her to swim in Great Lakes. Her first time ever swimming was at a beach in Traverse City. We had tried to take her into the water all weekend and she would not budge, then all of a sudden she saw a duck landed in the lake and went after it like an arrow! She swam in really far and we started to panic when the duck flew away that we would have to go in to get her. But luckily she turned back and came right back. We went to all the obedience classes with her at PetSmart and she learned so many cool tricks. Rob would show her off at gatherings, the favorites were pretending to be dead when we make a shooting gesture, and she paws her nose when we say “daddy farted”.
Her relationship with our Rottie mix, Alex, was very intriguing. At home she would always try to dominate Alex. She called the shots and used Alex for warm and head support. But on the playground, it was obvious that Alex was her pack leader and protected her from other dogs. She mostly was scared when other dogs chase her, Alex would run up and plow thru the other dogs mid run to protect Suki.
We never knew her exact breed mix, only her mother was a pure beagle rescued while pregnant. From her behavior and temperament, we are 90% sure she must have been a jack russell mix! She could be a little stinker and loved psychological games. Even in her final days, she was sick, but still manages to “train” Rob to give up his favorite chair for her use.
We enjoyed all our years with her. I am glad the boys had the chance to know Suki and taught them to love and be gentle with animals.
Rob and I are forever grateful for our vet, Dr White (Sr), for his care of our Suki the past 13 years and throughout her cancer treatment. Dr White provided us great comfort today and treated us with so much compassion and respect. Great vet and even a better man.
Suki will be remembered and missed for always.
~ Nancy And Rob Larsen

In 2006 our family started looking for a pet to join our young family. During our search we came across the Midwest BREW site. There was a new litter of beagle mixed pups called the “Pasta Pups” that caught our attention. We contacted BREW and started the adoption process while requesting one certain pup, based on his picture. BREW did their due diligence and learned as much as they could about our family and even came for a home visit to meet our young children. After that visit they told us that they didn’t feel the pup that we had inquired about would be a good fit for our family but they recommended one of his siblings instead. While at the time we had our heart set on this one particular pup we decided to listen to their recommendations. Shortly after we adopted “Spaghetti” who we renamed Paxton.Boy was BREW right!
Paxton completed our family and was the best dog and best friend we could have ever had. Unfortunately, on June 26, 2020 we had to say our final goodbye to our sweet boy. Paxton was the most obedient, loyal, gentle and protective boy. He smiled when he saw us and was always by our side. There will never be another Paxton pup. He lived an amazing life and left us with so many great memories. While our hearts are shattered we are at peace knowing that he is no longer in pain as he runs around the Rainbow Bridge. RIP Big Boy!
~ The Malone Family

Maggie Mae
In December 2007, our sweet little Maggie Mae, came into our lives and allowed us the honor of adopting her and making her an important part of our family. She immediately stole our hearts as she gave us her complete love and loyalty as easily as she accepted our love and loyalty. She made us one happy family and will be irreplaceable. Maggie was fostered by Linda and Mark Carpenter and we owe them and the entire Midwest BREW family a big thank you and debt of gratitude for allowing Maggie to come into our lives.
With Maggie it was love at first sight. Maggie soon became a beloved family member who immediately stole our hearts and it was like she was with us forever. She was an easy beagle to love who gave us much happiness.
On Saturday Maggie was called to the Rainbow Bridge after falling ill to numerous health issues resulting from severe neurological and spinal diseases, causing major paralysis to much of her body. She was the best pup anyone could ask for.
Maggie will forever live in our hearts until we see her again at the Rainbow Bridge.
Your Loving Family,
Don, Fran and Jackie Sobczak

Today we lost our sweet Hannah who we adopted from BREW in August of 2018. While only with us about two and a half years, she was very special.
A lemon beagle mostly white with pretty white eye lashes. She had a best friend, Lina, who was also adopted from BREW in 2018. Loved her walks most of all with chasing squirrels with Lina.
Miss you sweetie and we’ll see you again. Be happy.
~ The Lyons Family

Having grown up with poodles and never knowing any beagles, for some reason when it was time for me to get a dog, I knew I wanted a beagle. Maybe it was my love of Snoopy, who by the way doesn’t even look like a beagle!
Midwest BREW brought Twiggy into my life on March 28, 2009. Twiggy was sweet and sassy and loved just about every person and dog she met. She was a character who brought so much joy and laughter to me and everyone around her. She loved to hide rawhide bones in the couch, roll on her back and was obsessed with all food and treats, especially greenies. She was the unofficial “greeter” in my condo building and loved getting attention from friends and neighbors.
Twiggy had heart issues, which unfortunately took her life on April 14, 2021.
Her passing has left a hole in my heart but I’m grateful to have had 12 years with her. She was a special little girl who touched so many and I will miss her every day.
~ Elissa Kagan

12/18/2009 – 6/6/2021
One of the three “Fireplace Pups”along with his brothers Blaze and Spark.
Cinder had a unique personality along with his natural, bobbed tail.
He loved and lived to eat. Breakfast and dinner was remembered by the clanking of his tags hitting the stainless bowls.
If I laid on the floor, Cinder would often curl up next to me in the crook of my arm. He was such a snuggler!
Cinder was diagnosed with a mass in his colon. He lived happily and without significant symptoms until his last day. Cinder is loved and we miss him so very much! Rest peacefully my friend.
~ Carl Tianen

My wife and I adopted Tulip on Memorial Day weekend in 2009 from BREW beagles Midwest. We met her at a Petco in Rockford, IL, with her current foster family, and instantly fell in love with her.
Tulip was a petite, shy dog who gradually came out of her shell with much love and training. She loved to sniff and chase after bunnies and squirrels during long walks in Lincoln Park, Chicago. As she grew older and we moved to a house with a backyard, she became much calmer and was a wonderful companion to our two boys. After many health struggles the past few years, she passed away on June 25, 2021.
Tulip is greatly missed and will always hold a special place in our hearts.
~ Chris Seaman and Allison Lyons

We adopted Shiloh in April of 2016. He was 5 years old and came with a history. He was very skittish, timid, and shy. When we got him home, he fell asleep standing up as he was too afraid to let his guard down and rest in his dog bed. At that time, he wouldn’t bark, wouldn’t relax on furniture, and wouldn’t join us in our bed.
Very slowly over the years we earned his trust, and he was eventually able to love and snuggle us each night in bed. He gained his bark, though he still used it sparingly. He blossomed into a beautiful, loving, cuddly boy. He even came to love our son when we brought him home from the hospital.
About 6 months ago, Shiloh was diagnosed with congenital heart failure. Though he was responding well to treatment for a while, his heart eventually couldn’t pump out all of his body’s fluid, and he passed away at home with us on Tuesday, August 31, 2021.
We are completely heartbroken since his passing. He was the perfect fit for our family. To this day, we are still amazed at Midwest BREW’s matchmaking skills! Somehow they knew that we needed him, and he needed us. Now we must face each day without him, but he will always live in our memories and in
our hearts.
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to love and care for Shiloh! We will be forever grateful.
~ The Creasy Family:
Sean, Rebecca, and Grant