Always in our heart
Rainbow Bridge Tributes

Whitney chose us at Park Ridge Beaglefest 2005. We often joked that it was because Alison’s hands smelled like the salami she had for lunch, but maybe she just thought we looked like an easy family for her to train. She turned two little girls who were previously afraid of dogs, and me-a person who had never had a dog before, into dog lovers. It was love at first sight. We knew she had to be part of our family. Once we brought her home however, we were definitely questioning that! Anyone who has ever had or known a beagle knows what I’m talking about. Plus add to the fact as I stated previously I had never had a dog before! From our first walk where we didn’t get very far because she had to sniff EVERYTHING- to the howling in her crate because she wanted to be out. Barking at squirrels, chasing bunnies and birds, she was all hound! The squirrels really had nothing to be afraid of though. One squirrel had a bun in his mouth and when Whitney started after him, he dropped the bun and ran up a tree. Whitney then proceeded to eat the dropped bun forgetting all about the squirrel. Maybe that was her plan all along? Family parties were a treat too-she would take food out of the little kids’ hands, and jump up on tables to help herself to whatever was up there! She ate part of a chocolate cherry cake Grandma made for Morgan. One year she found where I hid the Easter jelly beans and ate that whole bag. That may be her only regret, as she paid for that dearly. (We all did, actually.) We had so many good times. We would walk the girls to and from school everyday and she was always greeted at the gate by all the kids. She loved the attention. This last year has been so hard watching her change from the spry, young dog we knew into this quieter, gentler old dog. At meal times the young Whitney would somehow always know it was time and would jump waist-high while we were scooping the food into her bowl, barking loudly the whole time. Recently I would have to remember to feed her, and there was no barking and definitely no jumping for old Whitney. We would hear young Whitney from the driveway as we were pulling in, excited to greet us. Old Whitney would still be sleeping and we had to be careful not to startle her as we came in. Young Whitney had to be leashed outside unless we wanted to chase her if she took off. Old Whitney would go where I go, not wander too far, and was always ready to come in. She was rescued from BREW beagles from an Indiana family who’s owners were taken off to jail. That’s all we know about her first two years. From 2005 until now there’s been laughing, and walks, and barking, and yelling, and teaching her tricks, and yelling, and chewing up toys, and yelling, more barking, more walks, lots and lots of pictures. I’ll miss her sleeping on my feet and I’ll miss her sweet face. She was a very good dog who was loved very much. Thank you for choosing us. Enjoy doggie heaven Whitney, you deserve it!
~ Tracy Trzaskus Crivlare

We adopted Sandy from Midwest BREW in the Spring of 2016. It was estimated that she was nine years old. We were told that Sandy was given to a shelter because she was too old to continue to breed and bear healthy pups. She was a commodity to those people and could no longer make them money so she was discarded.
Sandy was loved by everyone who knew her. She was a wonderful, beautiful angel and we will miss her immensely. It gives my family great comfort to know that Sandy was being treated the way she deserved to be treated her whole life. We loved that little beagle with all of our hearts. We will miss her greatly but we are finding comfort knowing that we could make her happy and comfortable.
Run free little Sandy, cross the rainbow bridge into doggie heaven!
~ Scott Vlink

Today, March 12, 2019, Rusty went to the Rainbow Bridge.
Rusty was a wonderful companion. We adopted him in May, 2009 as a companion for our beagle, Bailey. Bailey was very skittish and we thought another dog would help her. As soon as Joe saw Rusty’s picture, which is attached, he knew he was the one. Rusty was the perfect fit. Calm, loyal and obedient. When we adopted Rusty, he was estimated to be 3 or 4. He was an old soul. All he wanted was food (what beagle doesn’t??) and a walk. He asked for nothing more, but LOVED the lure course. He was definitely Man’s best friend. He preferred people to dogs. At the dog park he greeted all of the grown-ups and would walk around with them instead of the dogs. He had the true beagle bay which gave many people chuckles when they were lucky enough to hear it.
In February, 2017, he had a SIX POUND tumor and his spleen removed. It was a rare cancer and the vet said we could expect another 6 months from him and if we were lucky, a full year, if we went ahead with the surgery. We did, of course, and were blessed with another 2 years with him.
I want to thank Midwest BREW for all that you do. You work tirelessly for the beagles. Thank you.
I want to give a special thank you to his foster mom, Mary Jane, for rescuing him. I hope she is reading this. Thank you so much for what you did. Rusty was a fantastic dog. We couldn’t have asked for a better companion. He was such a good boy and will forever be missed. Thank you.
Run free Rusty Roo! I hope there is a lure course up in heaven for you. Please say hi to Carmella, Bun Bun and Chase. Until we meet again, my friend. We love you!!
~ Julie and Joe

Our little Ruby was only with us for just under a year after adopting her through Midwest BREW. She lost her battle with cancer in August of 2018 at about 9 years old. We hold her dear in our hearts, waiting to see her again, with our other departed furry friends at the Rainbow bridge.
RIP Ruby Sue.
~ Dave and Barbara Lyons

I adopted Ben, a 4-year-old beagle from Midwest B.R.E.W. in August of 2012. Ben was very anxious, nervous and frightened. He was extremely noise sensitive. Simply setting a cup of coffee down on a table would send him flying upstairs. He stayed in excellent physical shape the 6 1/2 years he lived with us from getting vigorous cardio work-out running up and down the steps! He was not house broken, nor was he familiar with the outdoors as he was on complete sensory overload being outside. I’m not sure if his instincts were affected from the life he had before being rescued or if he was just a gentle boy because he never chased a rabbit or a squirrel. It even took him about 3 months to begin responding to our voices. Basically, I had to teach Ben how to be a dog. But Ben ~my faithful, loyal, sweet, loving companion taught me so much more ~ patience and understanding for mere starters.
I always said Ben was like God ~ he loved everyone and he loved every dog that he encountered. In fact, through Ben I met 16 wonderful dog families on our daily walks. If we went for an hour walk – 40 minutes were spent walking and the other 20 minutes were spent visiting with his friends.
Ben unexpectedly died of a brain tumor in March 2019. I feel as though I lost a huge piece of my heart as we had a special bond due to the challenges he faced entering our home. He was my constant companion, following me everywhere. I miss everything about Ben ~ his soft, silky ears, his paw prints and drool marks on the floors, the way he cocked his head when I talked to him, how excited he got when we went for a walk, his love of popcorn parties and so much more. I love you Ben Beagle ~ and always will!
~ C.K. Ben’s Human
Livonia, MI

RIP Snoopy. Best. Dog. Ever
Snoopy came to us on February 19, 2016 from Midwest BREW. We drove to foster mom Christy to pick him up. We instantly bonded. He came home with us and soon made himself quite at home, especially on our bed. We were given a big scare after only 10 months when his spleen broke…splenic tumor. Quick trip to emergency 24 hour vet! Thanks to the remarkable Chinese herbs he lived through the night and through the surgery. The biopsy indicated the tumor was benign, although we were warned they could be wrong. Nonetheless Snoopy lived a joyous life for the next two years and three months. His favorite thing to do was to carry his “dolly” around and play tug with it (he always won). He also like us to throw the dolly and he would run to catch it. He loved to play “doggie in the middle” with me and my son and the dolly (which was really a stuffed rabbit). My son called him “his four legged little brother.” Snoopy attended all my son’s soccer games and baseball games. He was the team mascot, and the kids would rub his head for a good “at bat.”
Sadly on February 19, 2019 he collapsed. We took him to the vet and were given the devastating diagnosis of cancer (hemangiosarcoma). We put him on “doggy hospice” with those remarkable Chinese herbs and pain pills. He seemed to be fine most of the time, with only a few days of bleeding and pain, until he suddenly collapsed again, and it became clear that it was time. He crossed the rainbow bridge on May 1, 2019.
We are so grateful that we had Snoopy for a little over three years. He was so loveable, loyal and sweet. He was my special dog. He followed me from room to room. He loved to snuggle at night and came and telepathically communicated to me every night around 8 that it was TIME TO GO TO BED. But after I turned out the light he would jump into his own bed, right by my side. When my husband had surgery and was recovering in bed he never left his side. My son called him the “nurse dog.”
Snoopy was incredibly mellow for a beagle. He was quite a couch potato, and since I work from home he was my constant companion. We will all miss him, but we are happy that we were able to give him love and get love back for the three years he was with us.
~ Cynthia Morales

I adopted my Brandi from Foster mom Heather L in December 2006.
My Brandi was such a smart girl. She learned how to open the side screen door when she heard another dog or birds. She would let both her and our other dog Patches outside! She loved laying out in the yard and digging holes. She loved other dogs and would howl when she saw them. All she wanted to do was play with them.
Brandi lived a very happy long life. Sadly, we lost Brandi in March of 2019. Our Pug Bella knew Brandi was sick and started watching over her and staying close to her in the last few months of her life. We had Brandi cremated and some of her ashes are in an urn in the garden. We recently had our side walk replaced and we placed her ashes by the gate in the wet cement by the front gate where she loved to lay.
Brandi loved Beaglefest and going there this year without her was very emotional for me.
We miss her so much. Her Pug sister Bella misses her too.
~ Patti Witt Sosa

In loving memory of Willie, a beloved beagle who found his forever home when he was already about seven or eight years old. Sadly, he didn’t have the best start to life and had been abused. At the start, he wouldn’t even let his mom hug him without trying to nip. But with so much love, patience, and dedication, he blossomed into a total lovebug who would paw at people for more attention if he wasn’t getting enough. He bonded with his other two beagle friends in the household, and loved to race around outside in the backyard with his dog sister just enjoying his life. He learned how to howl from his dog brother, but he never really quite got the hang of a full bay and sounded more like a little walrus at times. Willie enjoyed a charmed life in his forever home, and was able to pass in comfort with loved ones all around.
Rest in peace, dear Willie
~ The Stach family

Pinto was born in 2005 and after 2 separate stints in Midwest BREW foster homes, he finally came to our home – his forever home. He was 3 when he was personally delivered to our doorstep in April 2009; and 13 when he left for the rainbow bridge in July 2019.
When he arrived in 2009, he joined our other beagle, Emerson, who suffered from separation anxiety. Within days they were sleeping together and keeping each other happy while their parents worked. They enjoyed a daily visit from their dog walker and we walked together at least 4 miles each and every day.
Larry and Sylvia were his last foster parents and they loved him so, later telling me they wished they had adopted him. We always called Pinto the “best dog ever” because he was so kind, calm and loving. Truly the perfect dog. His foster mom called him a love sponge. He was such a good, healthy boy and had the softest of coats. He got to attend Beaglefest in 2019!
His passing came fast.
He woke us up at 4 a.m. with labored breathing. A large mass was found in his tummy at 7 a.m. and by 3 p.m., we agreed with our vet it was time to say goodbye and God bless.
We will miss our buddy forever, but hope to adopt in the future from BREW when we are ready to give and get that great beagle love.
Thank you Midwest BREW for all you do for these beautiful, pure souls of goodness and love.
Until we meet again….
~ Kriss Schulz and Gary Hauser

In December of 2006, we adopted Kipper, called Miguel by his foster family, from BREW. He was a part of our family for almost 13 years. He was a wonderful family dog. He snuggled with our kids when they were sick. slept with my husband Joe and I every night, and was always glad to cuddle with someone when we were watching television. He was a great walking buddy, and even made friends with a bunny that was living in our backyard one summer. This past summer, he was diagnosed with an enlarged heart. We started giving him heart medication, and he seemed to be doing better, but one Sunday morning we woke up and he was panting and his right eye was drooping. We took him to an emergency vet; several tests later, they told us he had congestive heart failure and Stage IV lymphoma. He went to the rainbow bridge in August of 2019. We will always miss him, but we will always cherish our memories.
~ Pench Family