Always in our heart
Rainbow Bridge Tributes
Hope | Gertie | Misiu | Barney | Tucker | Barnaby Jones | Paddy Daddy | Sophie | Marnie | Lazy Maizey ⇢

Hope went to the Rainbow Bridge on November 18, 2002.
She lost her battle with cancer. Even though she was only with me for 2 years, it still meant more to me than I can put into words. I have BREW to thank for giving us both this extraordinary time together. I will miss her more than I ever thought possible. Thank you to BREW for all that you do for poor little stray beagles like Hope.
This is the last picture that was taken of her. It was taken in September, 2002 and I think it truly reflects her wonderful spirit.
~ Elaine

Gertie went to the Rainbow Bridge on August 3, 2005
BREW Midwest’s senior beagle Gertrude (Gertie) went in for emergency surgery on 8-2-05 and passed away quietly during the night. Gertie was with her foster family for exactly one year and she was loved very much. She will be missed by us all.

Misiu went to the Rainbow Bridge on January 1, 2007
It is with a very heavy heart that we must report that Misiu crossed the Bridge unexpectedly sometime early New Years morning 2007 in her crate. Her foster family is deeply saddened by her passing and we thank them for giving her losts of love and affection. While she was only with us a short time, she will be greatly missed.

Barney the Beagle crossed the Bridge on May 3, 2011 after only being in his foster home for 10 days.
We rescued him from an Ohio shelter, knowing he was a senior beagle and hoping he could spend the rest of his days on the couch, loved as a beagle should be. Sadly, it was not meant to be. The day after arriving at his foster home, we found out that Barney was suffering from severe pneumonia. Trying as hard as we did, we could not save him. We hope that he is finally enjoying himself at the Bridge.
You were not a BREW Beagle for very long, but you were still very loved and will be missed. RIP Barney Beagle.

Tucker has crossed the Rainbow Bridge (formerly known as Wiley)
This is to let you know that Tucker, who was known as Wiley while he was with BREW, passed away this morning. He had contracted an unusually aggressive form of mast cell cancer. He had several surgeries to treat the condition, and was undergoing chemotherapy treatment, which slowed, but could not stop the progress of his disease. Yesterday morning he began limping and tripod walking on his left rear leg. The vet diagnosed a partial tear of the cruciate ligament. Since he was already experiencing mobility problems related to his cancer, this injury made it almost impossible for Tucker to get around. Rather than let him linger on in pain until the cancer took him, we made the decision to have him euthanized.
Tucker has been an unending source of joy for us, and a good companion for our other beagle, Molly. Until his illness, he was enjoying life with us in our home in Florida. We are forever grateful to BREW Midwest for saving his life from the shelter in Indiana, to Toscha for fostering him, and for letting him become a part of our family.
I am attaching a copy of a photo we took a few days ago, of Tucker and Molly getting ready to go for a walk.
~ Jim and Cynthia Carter

Barnaby Jones
Barnaby Jones fought a hard battle with congestive heart failure. On November 16, 2014, Barnaby Jones left his final paw prints on our hearts; which will last a lifetime. Although we only had Barnaby for 16 months, our friendship and love was extremely strong. Barnaby was full of life, love, compassion, and joy, He enriched our lives in so many ways, we are truly blessed to have met him. We are honored Barnaby was part of our family. We are extremely sad Barnaby had to move on, but we are relieved that Barnaby is in no more pain.
~ Alisha and Peter

Paddy Daddy
It is with a terribly sad heart that I write to inform you that Paddy Daddy, formerly known as Pappy, crossed the Rainbow Bridge on December 2, 2014. He came to Mike and I (and Annie & Cooper, his beagle brother and sister) in March as a MW BREW AARB Foster. We all very quickly fell in love with him and knew that while we had never had a senior dog before we wanted the rest of his days to be his best days and we wanted him to stay with us. He became a permanent member of our Pack. It is amazing to us how much love these dogs can give in such a short time, we just didn’t expect that our time with him would be so brief. However, we take some comfort in knowing that while he was with us he was one very spoiled beagle.
~ Mike and Jamie Donovan

Sophie was the friendliest dog anyone could ask for! She mostly enjoyed her belly rubs and receiving lots of treats! She died unexpectedly on Saturday, December 20, 2014.
MW BREW brought us to her 10 years ago, and changed our lives for the better. My family and I cherished each moment with Sophie as she will be deeply missed along with her comforting nature.
~ Lauren L.

During the second week of January 2015, I received an email from one of our rescue friends –Amy- who seems to attract beagles. Amy loves beagles. Anyhow, this time was no different. She volunteers at a shelter and of course – there was a beagle. She was named Marnie. The call came, the picture was sent, and I said yes, take her to the vet. The vet took x-rays to see what was going on with her. Unfortunately Marnie was diagnosed with tumors along the mammary chain and there wasn’t anything that could be done, except to let her go. Marnie was in pain and it could only be managed to a point, but no curing her. There was also an issue in her neck that prevented her from picking her head up all the way. The vet said most likely tumors, from where she had been tied out. We did what we could to save her and we were certainly not expecting this outcome.
Marnie was in the company of Amy when she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She honored her as if she was one of her own and was there for her in her final moments.
Please hug your beloved pets in memory of Marnie tonight. And please… make sure their vetting is up to date. You could be saving their lives.
~ Linda C. – MW BREW

Lazy Maizey
My husband & I adopted a beagle from BREW in 2010. At the time her name was “Pretty Girl” but we changed it to Lazy Maizey. Just before Thanksgiving 2014 we had to put Maizey down. It was absolutely heartbreaking but she was suffering too much. She was 11 years old. She has left a hole in my heart as well as my husband’s. She brought immense joy to us, we could not have asked for a better companion.
I just wanted to say Thank You for giving us the pleasure of having such a great dog. I would encourage anyone to adopt from your agency. We will be donating to the AARB Seniors program in her honor.
~ K. Christensen